Operators use dallas key-style fobs to disable the immobiliser and start the vehicle.Automatically immobilises ignition and starter motor 30 seconds after the ignition is turned Off.Supplied with two dallas keys.LED status indicator.Thatcham 2 approved.Should be installed by an accredited engineer to fulfil Thatcham approval.
Protects your vehicle against unauthorised useAfter its installation, the immobilizer is fully integrated and cannot be recognized by unauthorized personsThe electronic key makes use of contact-free transponder technologyThe transponder (sender and receiver unit)has its own battery-free power supply and is permanently integrated into the mechanical key of the start switchRecovery of a stolen vehicle leads to economic loss and long downtimes. An immobilizer can make theft more difficult.
Hands-free automatic steering An UPGRADE to the FieldBee Manual Guidance kit±2cm accuracy on all terrainsEuropean-builtQuiet operation with DirectDriveErgonomic, quality steering wheelWorks with all front-steering tractor models, including open cabinEasy manual override when drivingOn/ Off physical switch for extra safetySuper-fast installation and only a few componentsIP 67, water and dust tightRequires RTK correction signal (from any NTRIP network or from a FieldBee RTK base station)A steering unit which replaces the original steering wheel of the tractor. Consists of 3 main parts:1) Steering wheel: Steering wheel specially designed for tractors. Easy to install and switch between different machines, ergonomic and quality design. 2) High torque steering wheel actuator, complete with a specifically-suitable shaft adapter, allowing for installation on many tractor models. The motor has a small number of mechanical moving parts and a very low noise level, thanks to the use of Direct Drive technology. 3) Anti-rotation bracket. This part fixates the PowerWheel to the tractor's steering wheel shaft. The PowerWheel connects to the anti-rotation bracket using a dedicated pin(s).
A smart dual-constellation GPS receiver that transmits your own free RTK correction signal.Provides ±1 cm accuracyTransmits RTK correction via Radio and/ or InternetCan be freely shared with your neighbours: up to 200 GPS receivers can use one base station.Can be used in network mode, covering a larger region with several base stations. FieldBee RTK precision, achieved with the FieldBee Base Station, as an upgrade to the FieldBee Manual Guidance kitFieldBee RTK L2 Base Station is made to achieve the highest precision on fields with hills and signal obstructions.L2 Base Station transmits RTK correction at 20+ km radius via the internet and provides a high +/- 1 cm accuracy on the field.The Base Station has a stable signal and works very well with the PowerSteer.Place the RTK L2 base station on a tripod in your field for use in radio mode (no internet required) or on the roof of your house/ barn for stable use with signal transmission via the internet. Place the L2 receiver/ controller on your tractor and connect it to receive the RTK correction signal via radio or internet (or both)
A8510 Key ProgramingEnsure the immobiliser is disarmed :-1) Switch the ignition ON and OFF three times then back to the ON position within seven seconds.2) The LED on the dashboard will light up signaling the unit is in programming mode.3) Touch an already programmed key onto receptical, the LED will extinguish for one second4) Repeat step 3 for all other keys (Max of 4 touch keys)5) To exit programming switch off the ignition key (unit will automatically exit programming after four keys)NOTE :-1) Programing procedure can only entered with the system disarmed.2) If all keys have been lost the system will need to be replaced